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About The Department

Best Universities in Jharkhand Best Universities in Ranchi
Department of Civil Engineering

A Civil Engineer is one who invents, contrives, designs and constructs for the benefit of the community. The Institute aims at producing civil engineers charged with the task of producing those more permanent structures and services such as roads, railways, bridges, buildings, tunnels, airfields, water supply and sewerage systems, dams, pipelines, river improvements, harbours and irrigation systems and give the greatest amenity for the funds expended.

As Civil Engineering is a practical profession, attention is given to this aspect throughout the course. Subjects taught to improvise the skill of students include Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying, Traffic Engineering, GIS, Remote Sensing, Steel Structure, Concrete Structures, Evaluation and Estimation, Bridge Engineering, Building Materials, etc. Full use is made of the laboratories with students carrying out experiments to obtain a better understanding of behaviour under practical conditions.